Bob Hutchinson wrote:
> //ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
> ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

Am I right in thinking that neither of these lines were in the original
index.php? i.e. you didn't comment our the first one and add the second
one - you added both?

> The database was empty, so create_tables.php would run. This resulted in a 
> nasty Notice:
> Notice: Use of undefined constant test - assumed 'test' 
> in /home/hutch/www/html/vegadns- on line 43
>  Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output 
> started at /home/hutch/www/html/vegadns- 
> in /home/hutch/www/html/vegadns- on line 108
> so I edited create_tables.php on line 43
> replaced md5(test) with md5('test')

I've done that.

> BTW I realise that I could have avoided this by setting 
> ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
> but then you don't find the bugs, that's how I set production boxes, not the 
> development box I'm doing this on.

Good call, because ...

> cleared the database and ran again, closing the browser in between (just in 
> case)
> much better, straight into the edit account page where I changed a few things 
> and hit the edit button and it saved successfully, and left me logged in, I 
> clicked around a bit, logged out and logged in again, no problem, it accepted 
> the new password.

It works for me now!

> This is the point that yours has been stumbling on, right?
> I'm using MySQL - 4.0.24
> You are using MySQL 5.0.18 right?
> does it support mysql_escape_string()
> see line 95 and on src/users.php
> do you see
> 'update accounts set First_Name=' and so on in your mysql log?

Sure do!

                     12 Query       update accounts set

        Email='[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
Account_Type='senior_admin', Status='active' where cid='1'
                     12 Query       update active_sessions set
Email='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' where Email=''

> The initial edit account page should have a hidden field for 'cid', it is set 
> in index.php line 203 or thereabouts
> I'm just wondering if the refusal to save has to do with MySQL 5.x.xx ....
> I'm rather conservative about upgrading, this is just the kind of thing I 
> dread, and the hords of angry customers...
> but it would be good to know in any event
>>It appears that I can use most of the functionality but checking the
>>logs reveals that several variables are not being passed between forms
>>(cid being one example that prevent login).
>>If I log out I am unable to log back in again even with the original
>>I've checked with phpmyadmin (and mysql command line) and the
>>username/password remains unchanged.
>>The MySQL query log actually shows that the app. is submitting the wrong
>>md5 hashed password (see above).
>>I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all this but I can't put my
>>finger on it just at the moment...

Looks like you nailed it Bob - it was the missing quotes in that call to
md5 which screwed things up.

Thanks! I can now try and sell this to my clients! :)


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