On 8/30/07, Kirk Israel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Igor, I'm sorry I've sounded unappreciative to the work the team is doing.
> Yes, I'm a dumb curmudgeon who is having a lot of problems adjusting
> to a new approach to things, and who, despite an honest effort to
> embrace the wicket outlook, may have stumbled, and also dove right in
> to the code base we started here with not enough in-depth reading of
> "Pro Wicket" and fiddling around with more toy examples.... and then
> after that, started to get childishly frustrated when things didn't go
> the way I expected. On slashdot I'm more inclined to state my biases
> in an extreme way, in part to get some counterargument -- and there
> actually ended up being some good counterargument there, some wicket
> fans who expressed how much they dig the approach. My team has decided
> on wicket as the extensible, page centric approach to the fairly
> complex app we have to write, and so far I've done a poor job of
> thinking about Wicket deeply enough to know the best approaches to
> things.
> It's why I came here with a question like what would be the better way
> of doing this. Having had fragments pointed out to me (I knew more
> about panels, I think... at least to the extent of using them to wrap
> other components), and possibly thinking in terms of repeaters even
> though it's only going to be 2 or 3 things, I'll try to find some time
> and go back over some tutorials.

Thanks Kirk. I think we've all had occasions where we put biased
opinions in public where we maybe regretted it later. I know I've been

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