Igor Vaynberg wrote:
...  actually implementing this with fragments will
make it look very similar to this new strategy and does not have the
id collission problem, because components ARE nested in two different

class basepage extends webpage {
  Fragment templateFoo1(String id) { return new emptyfragment(id); }
  Fragment templateFoo2(String id) { return new emptyfragment(id); }

<wicket:fragment wicket:id="foo1"><div wicket:id="label"></wicket:fragment>
<wicket:fragment wicket:id="foo2"><div wicket:id="label"></wicket:fragment>


I've finally got around to reading (most) of this insanely long thread.

My first thought was, "why don't you just use Fragments for this?"

Obviously the person who extends BasePage needs to know what fragment IDs they should be adding in.

But then, with the proposed extra <wicket:abstract> tag, they'd need to know what <wicket:inherit> IDs to be using, so I can't see much difference here.

The only issue is that you need to actually add some code, which you don't with a pure tag-based solution.

On the other hand, you probably need to add some code anyway - I can't think of many use-cases where you'd want to only put mark-up in one or more of your <wicket:inherit> blocks that isn't better handled using localization with <wicket:message> keys being overridden for the various pages.



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