How would be the Java classes, if multiple wicket:child were supported?!
wicket:extend and wicket:child were build under the base concept of OOP's

looks weird to me. :D

On Nov 4, 2007 9:29 PM, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > The only requirement would be that if you do choose to support multiple
> > abstract/overridden sections you would need to provide identifiers (just
> > like an abstract method has a name) so that the 'compiler' (wicket)
> > knows which section in a superclass an extended class section is
> > overriding. In pages where only one section is overridden no identifiers
> > would be necessary and so existing markup works without change, the way
> > it does now.
> isn't this section exactly what igor said in his post?
> make 1 page
> that has 2 identifiers (that are 2 divs like
> <div wicket:id="method1"></div>
> <div wicket:id="method2"></div>
> and the class had
> abstract class MyBasePage
> {
>      MyBasePage()
>      {
>           add(method1());
>           add(method2());
>      }
>      abstract Panel method1()
>      abstract Panel method2()
> }
> as far as i know you have pretty much exactly what you describe.
> johan

Bruno Borges
+55 1185657739

"The glory of great men should always be
measured by the means they have used to
acquire it."
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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