looks good, please create a jira issue.


On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 5:11 AM, Martin Makundi
> Hi!
> I was profiling my Wicket application and noticed that Jetty's
> getHeader method was hit quite often.
> It turns out the ServletWebRequest.isAjax method is hit quite often by
> each of the page elements (I am generating a large HTML report page).
> Since the Servlet container may not have optimal design for processing
> the getHeader method, I wonder if the ServletWebRequest.isAjax -method
> could/should be cached within wicket.
> I made the following modification to the ServletWebRequest.isAjax
> method, and measured a notable increase in performance:
>  public boolean isAjax() {
>    if (ajax == null) {
>      ajax = false;
>      String ajaxHeader = httpServletRequest.getHeader("Wicket-Ajax");
>      if (Strings.isEmpty(ajaxHeader) == false)
>      {
>        try
>        {
>          ajax = Strings.isTrue(ajaxHeader);
>        }
>        catch (StringValueConversionException e)
>        {
>          // We are not interested in this exception but we log it anyway
>          log.debug("Couldn't convert the Wicket-Ajax header: " + ajaxHeader);
>        }
>      }
>    }
>    return ajax;
>  }
> However, my question remains: is this a valid optimization or does it
> break the Wicket framework? Should it somehow be incorporated in the
> next releases?
> **
> Martin
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