>> So, some streamlining might be in order there, even after this particular 
>> issue.
> Do you have a lot of Ajax updates of small components without
> their own markup?
>  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-1857
> might be hitting you as well and it would be interesting to
> see if your problem still occurs on trunk (or 1.4-RC1).

Not really, I have large chunks (containers.. actually a ListView...).

I had a look at the debug output and there is one
"DEBUG - MarkupCache                - Markup not found:

and some
"DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/form/Form_fi_FI.html' on"
or similar

Most of the lines in the debug log consist of:
"DEBUG - MarkupContainer            - Rendering raw markup"
"DEBUG - Component                  - Begin render [MarkupContainer
[Component id =xx"

> The actual parsing results should be cached by IMarkupCache
> as far as I know, so if the parsing is really the issue you
> could try finding out why is the cache not working (and/or
> provide a reproduceable test case in a quickstart).

Can you be more specific about this? In what context should the
parsing results be cached?

You could try ajax-updating a large web page, say having a table with
2000+ rows, and profile it. Do the results look ok for you?

I will have a look, but I am not yet very familiar with Wicket
internals... the 'what should be''s and nots


> --
> Timo Rantalaiho
> Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >
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