On Sun, 02 Nov 2008, Martin Makundi wrote:
> The profiler shows that for a (large) page, 40% of the effort (20
> seconds per such particular page) goes into just parsing the tags and
> does not seem to process any logic.
> So, some streamlining might be in order there, even after this particular 
> issue.

Do you have a lot of Ajax updates of small components without
their own markup?

If that is the case, then this issue


might be hitting you as well and it would be interesting to 
see if your problem still occurs on trunk (or 1.4-RC1).

The actual parsing results should be cached by IMarkupCache 
as far as I know, so if the parsing is really the issue you 
could try finding out why is the cache not working (and/or 
provide a reproduceable test case in a quickstart).

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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