Check = detailed control of each check (you have to iterate over them to add more than one forexample in a listview)
CheckBox = list of checks (not same as above)
CheckGroup = Holds the model for checks

Repeat above for radios.

Dropdown = simple component

There are also some ajax versions of above...

It might just be me that have become blind to these things :) Of all the frameworks I work with, be it web, orm, log etc Wicket brings me the least trouble :)

Happy new year :)

Scott Swank wrote:

I think that Wicket is missing a solid overview of the below form
components, how they differ, how they overlap, and when to use each.

Check, Checkbox, CheckGroup, CheckGroupSelector
DropDownChoice (there are 3 wiki pages, but I'd like to draw out the
overlap with RadioChoice and the role of IChoiceRenderer)
Radio, RadioChoice, RadioGroup

And of course: IChoiceRenderer.

For example, I really don't know whether my above list is missing any

If such a topic is not in the works for your book, I'll volunteer to
put together a first pass at such a wiki page.


On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Jonathan Locke

Well, over the break here I've started something I swore I would never do
again (well, two things, if you include the JavaOne talk I'm working on).
I'm writing a (hopefully relatively short) book. It's called "Twenty-Six
Wicket Tricks". Each trick in the book (lettered from A-Z) demonstrates
something that people typically want to do and in the process builds a
reusable and educational component. I've got 13 tricks coded up now and
ideas for a handful more, but if there are any requests out there, please
let me know. I'd also be interested in getting some idea how many people
would be interested in this book (would provide some fuel for me to get
done). It does not cover any of the same ground as Wicket in Action
you should buy if you have not already!), BTW. It's more of a companion
that book.

Happy Holidays!



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