Now there is a sensible argument!

I've been thinking of doing that exact thing for clarity as the project gets big, where the integral HTML files that have a 1:1 relationship to the code stay in the src/main/java and the other resources that are *not* required for operation (like the property files) to be in the src/main/resources directory. I'm thinking that it is a bit more true to the component per package type of pattern rather than the function per package that is common in Java. However I have found it useful sometimes to have the html in a separate place, such as in passing it around outside the scope of the code to non-programmers.

I won't lose any sleep over it though, its six of one and half a dozen of the other.

- Brill

BTW - I don't think we need to vote on anything ;)
at least I wasn't calling for a vote...

On 20-Mar-09, at 12:17 PM, John Krasnay wrote:

+1. Wicket IMHO does it the right way for its particular situation.

Wicket differs from most Java project by the sheer number of resources
and by their 1:1 correspondence with Java classes. Maven, I think, is
optimized more for the more common case where a project has only a
handful of resources that are not tightly bound to particular classes.


On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 04:51:38PM +0100, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
I don't want that. If someone is anal about what maven is expecting,
then it is their problem. I am in the business of making the best
wicket development experience, from a Wicket perspective. We're using
maven as a tool, we're not in the business of supplying maven with new

Putting all resources that belong to a component in the same physical
folder as the component .java file is a best practice for Wicket
users, even newbies. Doing it in any other way is opening the door to
the nine hells of Maven usage and resource location.

I really don't want the archetype to do anything else than it
currently does, nor document such a way. The Official Wicket Way (tm)
is to put all source files relating to a single unit of work in one
package, in the same physical folder. If you decide to do it
otherwise, it is not The Official Wicket Way. Feel free to disagree,
but do it somewhere else, and in your own private projects.


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