Hmm... what about a custom locator/loader that simply gave back the html version of the XML when wicket asked for it? You could even insert the wicket id attributes into the stream if your XML knew about them, then allow Wicket to go through its normal process.

I don't think anything here will be exactly what you need but take a look at:

There are a few pointers that will help you understand what's going on under the covers, and give you ideas on how your issue might be handled.

- Brill

On 20-Mar-09, at 4:56 PM, Vasu Srinivasan wrote:

I see this question has been posted before and searched around but I have
not seen any conclusive solution.

I am totally new to Wicket... We have a dynamic xml that contains UI and data elements (text, radio, checkbox etc) which we need to convert to html
and then submit users selections etc. Basically a survey type of xml.

I understood that I have to use Panels, Repeaters and also implement
IMarkupResourceStreamProvider to provide my own html converted from xml via

How do I then map my html to panels which wicket wants ? If there is a
template/example that would help.

I also read about wicket-qti which exactly addresses this kind of issue - is
that available ?

Appreciate help!

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