> From: jcar...@carmanconsulting.com
> Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 14:43:59 -0400
> Subject: Re: Wicket behind proxy (AJP)
> To: users@wicket.apache.org
> I don't think ProxyPass supports the "/" path, does it?  At least, it didn't
> back when I wanted to set my site up like that.  What I had to do was put a
> dummy HTML page in there with a refresh directive to make it go to:
> http://mysite/mywicketapp

ProxyPass supports the /, but it doesn't pass to tomcat very well when you go 
to /. Tomcat will get the request for / through proxy pass, but it gets 
filtered through the default lookup which seems to only look at files and does 
NOT create a request to your servlet. In my case I want all requests to go 
through Spring at *.htm and there is no physical JSP mapped, so it only looks 
at files on disk.
I would love to hear an easy solution. I guess you could create a single JSP 
that forward the request.
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