
Unfortunately, I ran out of time, so I could not test in uPortal. Anyway,
just mail me and I'll send you my (eXo) standard web.xml and portlet.xml.
I'd like not to pollute the list with two annotated, big files.

Moreover, here's a useful link:

I used to find once a ServletContextProvider implementation here.

And regarding Wicket 1.4, I think that it only supports portlet 2.0,
althought I can't remember where I heard that. But Wicket 1.4 support for
portlet is indeed far more advanced than in 1.3 (it doesn't need
theServletContextProvider implementation
anymore, right?), so if you can use any portal that you like, I'd recommand
to use a more "up-to-date" one. My 2 cents.



On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Steve Swinsburg <
> wrote:

> Thanks Pierre.
> Ok so a basic uPortal portlet doesn't need anything in web.xml. When you
> deploy, as part of the spec it must be run through the Pluto Assembly which
> writes the necessary config (also available as a Maven plugin which is what
> I use). So you can just leave it empty and then it's automatically setup.
> You can also hardcode it but it may change between specs so best to let it
> do its thing.
> I'll run through it again with a simple portlet that I know works. The main
> issue is providing the implementation of PortletResourceURLFactory
> and ServletContextProvider. Portlet 1.0/uPortal doesn't seem to provide this
> implementation so I need to provide it. Perhaps I'll backport it from
> Portlet 2.0 but I was sure someone had alredy accomplished this.
> BTW, is Portlet 1.0 support still in Wicket 1.4 or only 1.3.x? I read that
> only Portlet 2.0 was being supported for 1.4.
> I'd still like to see the web.xml and portlet.xml for eXo if you can send?
> Thanks,
> Steve
> On 24/11/2009, at 9:01 PM, Pierre Goupil wrote:
> eXo is currently portlet 2.0 so I know nothing regarding portlet 1.0 Wicket
> integration. You'll find working portlets for eXo in the standard eXo
> distribution. Just copy their filters & listeners into your own
> Wicket-portlet.
> What I mean regarding this copy: depending upon your portal, your web.xml
> may be required to provide a set of non-standard listeners and / or
> filters.
> So the best way is to get inspired by what a portlet which is known to work
> provides.
> If you wish to give eXo a try, I can prodive you with a (eXo) standard
> web.xml & portlet.xml which works for Wicket. But, as I said, I'm afraid I
> can't provide it for uPortal. I'll give uPortal a try this day, and maybe
> I'll come again.
> Regards,
> Pierre
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Steve Swinsburg <
> wrote:
> Yep I've seen that page. uPortal is Portlet 1.0 based (Pluto).
> Do you mean add the same filters/listeners as a Wicket based application
> would normally use to the normal uPortal descriptors? Because a uPortal
> portlet can have an empty web.xml (it gets re-written by the Pluto
> assembly)
> and a pretty standard portlet.xml.
> That page suggests providing an implementation of the two bridge classes
> (which it won't startup without) and additional filters. Can I see an eXo
> portlet? Is that portlet spec 1 or 2?
> thanks,
> Steve
> On 24/11/2009, at 8:00 PM, Pierre Goupil wrote:
> Assuming that you know this page:
> You should just copy the web.xml & portlet.xml of an already working
> uPortal
> porlet (even if it's not Wicket based) and use the same filters /
> listeners... Theses are portal-dependent plumbery, and I use eXo, so I
> can't
> help without knowing the specificities of uPortal.
> Are you using portlet 1.0 or 2.0?
> HTH,
> Pierre
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Steve Swinsburg
> <>wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to get a portlet happening for uPortal 3.1.1 which is based
> on
> the Portlet API 1.0 spec (Pluto). Does anyone have any sample code they
> can
> point me at?
> thanks,
> Steve
> --
> Rien de grand ne s'est accompli dans le monde sans passion.
> (G.W.F. Hegel, philosophe allemand)
> --
> Rien de grand ne s'est accompli dans le monde sans passion.
> (G.W.F. Hegel, philosophe allemand)

Rien de grand ne s'est accompli dans le monde sans passion.

(G.W.F. Hegel, philosophe allemand)

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