This is not a wicket problem, but rather a browser rendering issue.
Use   instead of whitespace.


On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 5:47 AM, Nii Amon Dsane <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a label that's displayed on a page. The label displays but with a
> linebreak and this breaks the sentence that I am writing. How do I get rid
> of the line break after the label?
> My code is below (the problematic label is svcName):
> List list = getServices();
> ListView listview = new ListView("servicesList", list) {
> protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
> Service svc = (Service) item.getModelObject();
> final String svcUrl = svc.svcUrl();
> String svcName = svc.getName();
> String count = "Hits: " + svc.count();
> Link svcLink = new Link("svcUrl") {
> @Override
> public void onClick() {}
> @Override
> protected void onComponentTag(final ComponentTag tag) {
> tag.put("href", svcUrl);
> }
> };
> svcLink.add(new Label("svcName", svcName));
> item.add(svcLink);
> item.add(new Label("svcHits", count));
> }
> };
> add(listview);
> And this is my HTML view (the problematic label is svcName):
> <ul class="projects">
>    <li wicket:id="servicesList">
>     <a wicket:id="svcUrl"><span wicket:id="svcName"/></a>
>     <span>
>     <a href="/svcStats"><span wicket:id="svcHits"/></a> |
>     <a href="/svcEdit">Edit</a> |
>     <a href="/svcStatToggle">Deactivate</a> |
>     <a href="/svcDel">Delete</a>
>     </span>
>    </li>
> </ul>
> Many thanks
> nii amon
> I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done - Buddha

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