On 01/08/2012 9:58 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

The timer is fired but the precondition prevents the Ajax call.
The precondition checks that the component (html element) on which is
attached the timer behavior is still in the DOM document.
Hmm... I don't quite know what to say! In my tests, the timer is still fired event after its attached component is replaced.

Here is the sequence of requests captured in Firebug:

Ajax Request 1 (timer callback):
<evaluate>Wicket.timerHandle_fragments3 = setTimeout('Wicket.Ajax.ajax({\"u\":\"./.?2-1.IBehaviorListener.0-fragments\",\"c\":\"fragments3\"});', 2000)</evaluate>

Ajax Request 2 (click ajax link to replace the component "fragments"):
<componentid="fragments3"><span wicket:id="fragments" id="fragments3">WMC</span></component>

Ajax Request 3 (timer callback):
Throws exception:
org.apache.wicket.behavior.InvalidBehaviorIdException: Cannot find behavior with id '0' on component 'org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer:fragments' in page '[Page class = com.mycompany.HomePage, id = 2, render count = 1]'. Perhaps the behavior did not properly implement getStatelessHint() and returned 'true' to indicate that it is stateless instead of returning 'false' to indicate that it is stateful.

(this is a different exception than reported by Alex, but it looks like the same symptom)

IMHO, the AjaxTimerBehavior should have been removed during the request #2 since the replacement component does not have it attached.

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