I have an interesting issue that crept up in the use of the AjaxEditableLabel 
component in Wicket 1.4.13 (I know, ancient).

The component stopped processing the click event that is supposed to cause the 
editor to render.  I was seeing different behavior depending upon the mode of 
the Wicket Application and wondered if anyone might have a  clue as to what was 
going on.

With the exact same source code, when the Wicket Application was configured to 
run in Production Mode, the AjaxEditableLabel would not, when clicked, render 
the editor, but when in Development mode, it worked as expected.

In the server log there is a warning that the component is either not visible 
or not enabled, which I know isn't true because it works perfectly fine when 
the Wicket Application is in Development Mode.

The only behavior that is being overridden on the AjaxEditableLabel instance is 
the onSubmit.

I searched the forums and google and could not find anything that would explain 
the different behavior of this component when the application mode was changed 
from development to production.

Interesting enough, the AjaxEditableLabel does work fine in Production mode in 
other areas of the application when no behaviors are overridden.  Not sure if 
that has anything whatsoever to do with this issue.



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