I'm been anxious to use websockets with Wicket (I'm tied to the JBoss
appserver and do not wish to use Atmosphere) and as I just upgraded to
WildFly 8, I thought finally it would be possible.

The instructions on
http://wicket.apache.org/guide/guide/nativewebsockets.html (which states
the guide applies to version 6.x) instructs you to just include the
wicket-native-websocket-javax dependency, but that doesn't work as that
artifact does not seem to exist for the latest 6.x branch and I was also
unable to find it in the git repo.

Now I do see it in the master branch for 7.x, and I'm wondering if anyone
tried using the same classes for 6.14? Is there some reason it's not been
backported, or is it just hiding somewhere?


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