I just tried it out by building 7.x, copying over just the
artifact, modded the pom to depend on the 6.14 parent, and it pretty much
worked as expected (using jdk7 + wildfly 8)

WebSocketBehavior seems to be missing code to handle WebSocketPushPayload,
both in 6.x and 7.x, so I had to override onEvent() instead of a more
regular onPush method or something.

Finally, I was wondering if it's not possible to support sessionscope
somehow.  I know the docs said it doesn't work, but it seems logical to me
that a message to a page, whether it comes from the client itself or pushed
from a server-side event, should run in the client's session scope.
 Certainly, it should not matter to the server whether a req from a client
comes in one way of the other.  Has anyone looked into it and deemed it
impossible or just not worth the bother?


On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 10:59 AM, Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>wrote:

> Hi,
> The main reason to not backport it to wicket-6.x is that JSR356
> (websocket-api.jar) is built with Java 7.
> And Wicket 6.x is being build with Java 6 ...
> One option is to wait for Wicket 7.0.0.M1 (we talk about it for a month
> now, so I hope it will be released soon!).
> Another option is to port wicket-native-websocket-javax to wicket-6.x and
> explain somewhere that you have to run on Java 7 to be able to use it.
> Please file a ticket and if no one else objects against this then we will
> do it for 6.15.0.
> And yes, we will have to find a better way to explain in the guide which
> feature is new and available only in 7.x ...
> Martin Grigorov
> Wicket Training and Consulting
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Henrik Østerlund Gram <
> henrik.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm been anxious to use websockets with Wicket (I'm tied to the JBoss
> > appserver and do not wish to use Atmosphere) and as I just upgraded to
> > WildFly 8, I thought finally it would be possible.
> >
> > The instructions on
> > http://wicket.apache.org/guide/guide/nativewebsockets.html (which states
> > the guide applies to version 6.x) instructs you to just include the
> > wicket-native-websocket-javax dependency, but that doesn't work as that
> > artifact does not seem to exist for the latest 6.x branch and I was also
> > unable to find it in the git repo.
> >
> > Now I do see it in the master branch for 7.x, and I'm wondering if anyone
> > tried using the same classes for 6.14? Is there some reason it's not been
> > backported, or is it just hiding somewhere?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Henrik
> >

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