one solution might be to pull document from a mounted resource: which are
not locked.

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Jesse Long <> wrote:

> On 10/04/2014 12:53, Martin Grigorov wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro <
>>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Tobias Gierke <
>>>> wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>>   Hi,
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Tobias Gierke <
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>    What do you exactly mean by the rendering of the page after
>>>>>> download
>>>>>>  completed? You repaint a part of the screen via AJAX? And this is the
>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>> giving problem with images?
>>>>>>>   Good point. I just investigated the AJAX response returned by the
>>>>>> server
>>>>>> when clicking the 'Start download' button on the modal dialog and I
>>>>>> noticed
>>>>>> that along with the JavaScript snippet that does the "setTimeout(...)"
>>>>>> there are also a lot of AJAX component updates that are obviously
>>>>>> generated
>>>>>> by components with overridden onEvent() methods. I didn't write the
>>>>> code
>>>> so
>>>>>> I wasn't aware of this :/
>>>>>> I suspect that the issue I'm seeing is caused by the Wicket AJAX
>>>>> library
>>>> being interrupted by the "setTimeout()" call while processing the
>>>>>> component
>>>>>> updates... proving this will unfortunately take some time since the
>>>>> page
>>>> has a lot of different components that all override onEvent() ...
>>>>>>   JavaScript is single-threaded. There is no way to interrupt it.
>>>>> By using setTimeout/setInterval functions you just add tasks to the
>>>> queue
>>>> that this single thread processes.
>>>>>  I stand corrected ;) But how come - given that  setTimeout() just
>>>> adds a
>>>> task to some "queue" - the actual magnitude of the timeout has an effect
>>> ?
>>>> My queues are usually processed first-to-last ;)
>>>>  Probably the time out just influence the download of images: e.g.
>>> maybe by
>>> making
>>> window.location.href='" + url + "'\", 100);
>>> You are telling the browser "stop loading images, we are processing anew
>>> document"
>>>  There is still something unclear here - window.location.href is
>> contributed
>> via target.appendJavaScript().
>> This means it is put into <evaluate> XML element in the Ajax response and
>> should be processed (sequentially!) later than the resource downloads by
>> Wicket.FunctionExecuter. I.e. the resources should fire their "loaded"
>> events before FunctionExecuter to move to the next task
> Page locking maybe? Does the download lock the page for the duration of
> the download?
> ajax get
> ajax response
> dom modified
> browser starts downloading images in background, one (or a few) at a time
> download of file starts (page is locked on server)
> while file download is still busy, browser attempts to download other
> images. This may require page lock on server, which will make this request
> hang until file download is complete.
> Maybe, instead of using AJAXDownload, make like:
> new AjaxLink("link"){
>     @Override
>     public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target){
>         // do whatever
>         target.add(...);
> Application.get().getResourceReferenceRegistry()
> .registerResourceReference(MyDownloadResourceReference.INSTANCE);
> target.appendJavaScript("setTimeout(\"window.location.href='" + urlFor(
> MyDownloadResourceReference.INSTANCE, null) + "'\", 100);");
>     }
> };
> public class MyDownloadResourceReference
>     extends ResourceReference
> {
>     public static final MyDownloadResourceReference INSTACE = new
> MyDownloadResourceReference();
>     public MyDownloadResourceReference()
>     {
>          super(MyApp.class, "download-woteva");
>     }
>     @Override
>     public IResource getResource()
>     {
>             // return resource
>     }
> }
> You will need to have some sort of way of passing information from the
> page to the IResource about exactly what should be downloaded. You can do
> this with by storing temp info in the session (not so great), or by passing
> PageParameters in the urlFor() instead of null, and parsing them in the
> IResource.
> HTH,
> Jesse
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Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

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