
I have one question regarding refreshing page with TabbedPanel and refreshing page with setResponsePage method.

In my application I had AjaxTabbedPanels. I needed to show confirmation window on tab change though. I've already had it on "window.onbeforeunload", so I changed AjaxTabbedPanels to TabbedPanels - which refreshes page on tab change.

The next thing was to do the same thing on button click. It works fine with setResponsePage but...

I have 2 actions which need to be called - one on page's child removal and the second one on page refresh.

Right now I call them on child's "onRemove" method and page's "onInitialize" method.

The problem is - when I change tab in TabbedPanel "onRemove" is called but "onInitialize" isn't. When I call setResponsePage (to the same page) it's the other way around - "onInitialaze" is called but not "onRemove".

I've got over it with manual call "page.removeAll()" right before setResponsePage, but it solves only half of the problem and for me it looks like a wrong solution.

Is there any way to "catch" in the page class that it was refreshed by the TabbedPanel? Is there better way to call "onRemove" with setResponsePage than "page.removeAll()"? Or maybe there is a better way to refresh a page than setResponsePage?

I would be glad to receive some help.


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