Hi Michal,

Can you provide some code, e.g. a Quickstart application [1] so we can have
a look?

It’s hard to say why it’s not working without seeing some code.

1) https://wicket.apache.org/start/quickstart.html

Met vriendelijke groet,
Kind regards,

Bas Gooren

Op 3 augustus 2020 bij 13:53:36, Zimen, Michal (michal.zi...@anasoft.com)

Hi Wicket Users,

I've just started to learn the Wicket by fixing some issues in our legacy
backlog repository.

Therefore, I need some clarification to manage my blockpoints. Having spent
enough time to fix it by myself,
I finally must turn out to this help.

The weird problem could be described following:

1. A base form contains components and links to
AbstractFormDialog(Jquery-ui) for user inputs.
2. When the formDialogA is submitted, some parent components are updated,
some remain empty, as it is expected.
3. Another modal formDialogB is open and submitted and expecting components
are not updated.

When this procedure is done in swapped sequence - firstly formDialogB and
then formDialogA is opened, everything works ok.

Seems as if, the submitting formDialogA breaks the references for
submission formDialogB.

Could you please clarify me, what should be checked to avoid this problem?



Michal Zimen
e-mail: michal.zi...@anasoft.com

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