On Aug 26, 2008, at 9:19 PM, Squirrel wrote:

> Sorry to butt-in into this thread. Something that maybe someone from  
> the
> community could do is to provide for some platform-combinations a  
> specific
> installation routine (no, I don't know how to do that, but I do know  
> that
> this is possible).

Yes that what I mean by "'the tutorials on the installation page":

The more we have the merrier. However users must realize it's not  
going to solve all issues and the other problems is that there's a  
good chance these will become obsolete when XWiki evolves. This is why  
I added the warning on that page: "Tutorials external to the xwiki.org  
site have not been validated for correctness by the XWiki dev team and  
it's also possible that they are out of date."


> So if you have a fresh Debian 4 Etch installation, you would maybe  
> pick the
> installation package (Deb?), which installs xwiki with all the  
> dependencies.
> I'm aware of the fact, that you have several combination  
> possibilities (and
> the update/upgrade procedure). I'm just saying that's maybe  
> something that
> could lower some barriers for the people and get more people to use  
> XWiki.
> Anybody out there who knows how to create something I outlined and  
> willing
> to pitch in?
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 2:03 PM, Vincent Massol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> On Aug 26, 2008, at 8:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As I explained it in several messages, I'm trying to use XWiki on a
>>> remote server. We're accessing it with a ssh connection (using  
>>> Putty).
>>> First, I tried to install the war manually and it seems that I  
>>> succeed
>>> but we couldn't access to the XWiki page although Tomcat seems to  
>>> work
>>> fine.
>>> I couldn't find anybody able to help me on this matter and I needed
>>> XWiki to be installed so I choose to install the standalone version.
>>> But there's a little problem. XWiki is working just fine but we have
>>> to start jetty with a command on our putty terminal and if we shut  
>>> the
>>> window where the commad has been entered, we shut down jetty... so  
>>> we
>>> can't access XWiki anymore if the window isn't open
>>> Is there a way to keep Jetty running without having to keep the
>>> terminal window open?
>> Sorry but I need to ask: how is all this related to xwiki?
>> XWiki is just a web application, i.e. a WAR. You have to install it  
>> in
>> your favorite Servlet container.
>> Thus the question you have should be searched for in your favorite
>> Servlet container's documentation. XWiki doesn't explain what Java  
>> is,
>> what a database is nor does it explain what a Servlet container is or
>> how it works. This is a given and a prerequisite.
>> That said, we've recognized the need to make it as simple as possible
>> to install XWiki and that's why we're also providing a bundled
>> standalone zip which has everything already packaged and configured.
>> But of course this bundle only provides a single configuration and is
>> only for testing.
>> What you really need to do (as is explained in the documentation) is
>> to install it in your own Servlet container and your own database.
>>> That said, I must say that I've been surprised by the difficulty to
>>> install XWiki with both method (especially the first one). Even  
>>> with a
>>> good tutorial about how to install xwiki manually on a Debian Etch
>>> 4.02 we still had a problem. And with the standalone version,  
>>> although
>>> it works just fine, there still is this little problem with Jetty  
>>> (But
>>> I hope somebody will be able to help with this). It's been difficult
>>> to find help all over the web. Don't you think all the problems that
>>> we can't get should be put in one place? It would avoid for someone
>>> trying to install xwiki to spend hours looking at N sites and N  
>>> pages
>>> to find only one information.
>> That"s a nice dream but it isn't feasible. We can't explain how an
>> operating system works, how Java works, how Servlet container works,
>> how a database work, how a mouse works, etc. We have to stop  
>> somewhere.
>> Since Java has normalized what a web application is, this is where we
>> stop. You can find thousands of online documentation and books on
>> installing java webapps (.WAR files). That's really easy to find
>> documentation.
>>> I hope I'll get to fix my problems and
>>> I'll be happy to share it afterwards for people facing the same
>>> issues. It would be really easier if all the installation problems
>>> like this (exception, etc...) were listed on a unique page leading  
>>> to
>>> the right solution rather than having to look to multiples threads,
>>> forums, blogs and websites....
>>> But that's just my opinion.
>> Sure. We'll be happy to add whatever tutorial you write to the list  
>> we
>> have started on the Installation page but we'll never be able to  
>> cover
>> all user cases. The only solution is for users to understand what  
>> they
>> are doing and understand what a servlet container is, how to  
>> configure
>> it, etc.
>>> I hope someone will be able to help me with Jetty.
>> Well that's really not hard. Just search google about running jetty  
>> as
>> a service. The solution depen on your OS so I can't really answer.  
>> For
>> windows, see http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Win32Wrapper
>> For unix just use the standard unix service for your OS (etc/init.d).
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> Thank you for your time and the help you'll give me.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jeremy Amode.
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