On Nov 25, 2009, at 9:29 AM, Asiri Rathnayake wrote:

> Hi,
> I've had some difficulties coping with the new menu structure, here  
> are my
> observations:
> 1. Edit / Export / More Actions menus are cool :)
> 2. I really miss the sliding menu bar. Now I have to scroll to the  
> top of
> the page whenever I want to do something. May be it's just my  
> resistance to
> change, but I felt uncomfortable.

One thing to note: the scrolling menu was raising problems on unix  
platforms AFAIR.
Now the new page action menu would be awkward to scroll since it's  
only taking a portion of the horizontal space and it's not at the top.

Note that one important issue that was raised to us was that the  
action menu wasn't enough visible at the top. We've addressed it with  
the new page level action menu.

Maybe you could suggest what you'd like to have instead? (although  
it's a bit late to radically change everything, small adjustments  
could still be made).

> 3. I'm unable to understand the basis for grouping create space /  
> watch /
> admin actions under xwiki menu. Made me a little confused when I was  
> looking
> for administration link. I like the old administration menu.

The top menu is about actions not related to the current page. This is  
the big change that we've brought: separation of page actions from non  
page actions.
The top menu allows to perform actions on the wiki as a whole or  
actions on the current space.
Administration is either a wiki action or a space action depending if  
you want to administer the wiki or the space.

I also have pb with the change of location of the Administration link  
but I'm pretty sure it's because of the habit I have to break of  
looking for it at the top right, and that very soon I'll automatically  
look for it in the new place.

> 4. If I have a space like "MySuperSpace", the space menu looks like
> "MYSPECIALSPACE" which I felt uncomfortable.

Using lower cases for the menus in general is something I'd also like  
to see to be able to compare and verify if it's better or worse.


> This is just how I felt.
> Thanks.
> - Asiri
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>  
> wrote:
>> Hi XWiki lovers :),
>> By now you've probably seen the new menu bars that we have introduced
>> in XE 2.1M1. If not, please try XE 2.1M1 or check the release notes  
>> at
>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise21M1
>> Since the action menu has been heavily reworked we're interesting in
>> gathering feedback and thus ensure that you like the new menu as much
>> as we do.
>> If you have some problems with them please let us know ASAP (since  
>> the
>> 2.1 final release is approaching fast - early December).
>> So whether you like them or not, please let us know what you think
>> about them.
>> Thanks a lot
>> Enjoy XWiki
>> -Vincent on behalf of the XWiki dev team
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