I do not know about the internals of the LDAP-stuff, but at least I know where 
the password is stroed in the DB :)

> Hello,
> I have some questions (today :-) )
> - I wondered where is stored local users password?  More precisely in which 
> table? I see that users are in xwikidoc table: 
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/DatabaseSchema (but not the 
> password)
> Note, I don't want reinitialize password (I know how to do it with superuser)

The password is a (string-valued) attribute of an object of class "XWikiUsers", 
which is attached to the profile page.
you can see this if you look at any user profile in the object editor.

In mySQLyou can see the stored passwords might look like:

  select * from xwikiobjects join xwikistrings on xwikiobjects.XWO_ID = 
xwikistrings.XWS_ID where XWO_CLASSNAME='XWiki.XWikiUsers' and 

Unless something is utterly wrong with your installation the passwords should 
be stored as SHA-hashes or the like.

Note: In the DB schema the table xwikiproperties also appears between the 
xwikiobjects and the xwikistrings, but I have to admit I did not need it for 
the query.
Maybe I did something wrong, in that case please someone correct me :)


> - If I use LDAP authentication, a copy of  user ldap password is stored in 
> the database?
> - With ldap authentication, I filter members by ldap statics groups
> #-# Only members of the following group can authenticate.
> xwiki.authentication.ldap.user_group=dn=_agents_,xxxx,dc=fr
> _agents_ contain a static list of memberUID with name.surname
> I active log for ldap and I saw that for the first connexion by a ldap user, 
> cache creation take 1mn
> Apparently xwiki try to retrieve the dn for each member of the static group 
> for generate his cache (~5 queries by member)
> Of course, I increased xwiki.authentication.ldap.groupcache_expiration value
> Are there a way to refresh the ldap cache by cron or scheduled script?
> Thxs.
> Pascal B
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