Hi Giordano,

On 21 Dec 2015 at 15:20:55, Giordano Ninonà 
(giordano.nin...@gmail.com(mailto:giordano.nin...@gmail.com)) wrote:

> Hi users,
> My project in XWiki consists in a java component which offers some APIs
> through a script service called by a Velocity script in a wiki page.
> I put my .jar in the directory C:\XWiki Enterprise
> 7.3\*webapps\xwiki\WEB-INF\lib
> *and this is the Velocity and HTML code that I've put in my XWiki page:
> {{velocity}}
> #if("$!request.evolver" == 1)
> ## Request for creating a new instance
> $services.pars.parse()
> $services.evo.removeInstance("Take bike")
> $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL('Main.WebHome'))
> ## Stop processing, since we already sent a redirect.
> #stop
> #end


> Let first say that nothing is happening when I click on the "Evolve" button
> and I don't know why...it looks like it should work, also because creating
> a Main_test class in Eclipse, I can run my software calling exactly the
> same methods and it works!

You could use GET instead of POST and see what you get in the URL (ie whether 
you get the evolver=1 request param).

> Moreover my component must create some files to store some information,
> thus I am wondering where to save those files in order to make them
> accessible by the component.

You can use the XWiki’s permanent directory.

See http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Environment+Module


> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Giordano.
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