
> On 30 Aug 2016, at 19:17, Dibyendu Das <dibyendu....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to enable statistics in XWiki without any success. My xwiki.cfg
> for the settings look like this:
> *#-# Stats configuration allows to globally activate/deactivate stats
> module (launch storage thread, register events...).*
> *#-# Enabled by default.*
> *xwiki.stats=1*
> *#-# When statistics are globally enabled, storage can be enabled/disabled
> by wiki using the XWikiPreference property*
> *#-# "statistics".*
> *#-# Note: Statistics are disabled by default for improved
> performances/space.*
> *xwiki.stats.default=1*

This enables statistics, which means stats are stored in the DB and an API 
allow to query them.

> I have restarted my server after changing this but to no effect. The
> statistics application still says it is disabled. Anyone knows why?

You need to install the statistics application if you wish to have some UI to 
query the stats in the DB, see:

The reason you’re confused is probably because it was previously bundled by 
"Bundled by default in XWiki Enterprise from XWiki 1.2-rc-1 till XWiki 7.4.x 
(not bundled anymore by default in XWiki 8.0+)"


> XWiki 8.2.1 on Jetty 9.3.11 and Java 8
> Thanks,
> Dib
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