Thanks, installing the statistics application did the work.

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 5:00 AM, Vincent Massol <> wrote:

> FWIW I’ve also modified the xwiki.cfg file we generate and it now contains
> some more info:
> xwiki-platform-tools/xwiki-platform-tool-configuration-
> resources/src/main/resources/xwiki.cfg.vm#L524
> I hope it’ll help a little bit in the future…
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> > On 30 Aug 2016, at 19:40, Vincent Massol <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >> On 30 Aug 2016, at 19:17, Dibyendu Das <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I am trying to enable statistics in XWiki without any success. My
> xwiki.cfg
> >> for the settings look like this:
> >>
> >> *#-# Stats configuration allows to globally activate/deactivate stats
> >> module (launch storage thread, register events...).*
> >> *#-# Enabled by default.*
> >> *xwiki.stats=1*
> >> *#-# When statistics are globally enabled, storage can be
> enabled/disabled
> >> by wiki using the XWikiPreference property*
> >> *#-# "statistics".*
> >> *#-# Note: Statistics are disabled by default for improved
> >> performances/space.*
> >> *xwiki.stats.default=1*
> >
> > This enables statistics, which means stats are stored in the DB and an
> API allow to query them.
> >
> >> I have restarted my server after changing this but to no effect. The
> >> statistics application still says it is disabled. Anyone knows why?
> >
> > You need to install the statistics application if you wish to have some
> UI to query the stats in the DB, see:
> >
> Statistics+Application
> >
> > The reason you’re confused is probably because it was previously bundled
> by default:
> > "Bundled by default in XWiki Enterprise from XWiki 1.2-rc-1 till XWiki
> 7.4.x (not bundled anymore by default in XWiki 8.0+)"
> >
> > Thanks
> > -Vincent
> >
> >> XWiki 8.2.1 on Jetty 9.3.11 and Java 8
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Dib
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