> On 15 Mar 2017, at 21:40, Patrick M. Hausen <p...@hausen.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm still trying to move a private Wiki from Confluence to Xwiki, now 9.1.2.
> I just cannot find my way to the access rights system.
> What I need:
> A page tree like this:
> A
>       A.1
>               A.1.1
>               A.1.2
>       A.2
>               A.2.1
> B
>       B.1
>               B.1.1
>               B.1.2
>       B.2
>               B.2.1
> C
>       C.1
>       ...
> And the following mechanics:
> No anonymous access, only logged in users.
> Users belong in group A, B or C - possibly more than one of them.
> Users of Group A should see the top page A and subpages in the navigation 
> panel.
> Users of Group B should see the top page B ...
> Users of more than one group should see all corresponding pages.
> Beneath the top pages all users should have full create/edit/comment/delete 
> rights.
> Simply speaking: I'm trying to achieve what can easily be done with 
> Confluence spaces,
> now that Xwiki removed them for some reason.

They’re still there, see 

> Users working on project X should see only pages (and navigation tree) of 
> project X,
> while the board of directors should be able to see and work on all projects.

That’s possible.

> Subwikis won't do because of the "multiple group memberships/board of 
> directors"
> requirement, if I read that part of the documentation correctly.

I don’t understand what you mean by "multiple group memberships/board of 
directors” and why it’s an issue with multi-wiki. You can have as many groups 
you want on the main wiki for example and then set permissions on each 
sub-wiki. You don’t need to create local users if that’s your worry.

See http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/WikiVsNestedPages (which 
is linked from 
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/ContentOrganization/) if you 
need to know the detailed differences between nested pages and multi-wikis.

> So I need nested pages.
> Any hints on how to configure this would be greatly appreciated!

Yes, there’s nothing to configure, you just click the + button to add a page 
under the current one (or specify any location in the Add page dialog that 

> Second, I want all applications, blog, sandbox, ... gone from what users see.

You still want these apps in the wiki but only visible to some users or 
completely gone and removed?

> When I
> try to delete these pages I get the warning that I should instead remove the 
> extension …

Yes that’s good. What’s the problem you faced? We recently introduced a 
protection to avoid users deleting application pages by mistake, see 

Note that we currently have a limitation that we need to fix ASAP: 
Thus in the meantime you can disregard the warning and delete the pages of 
those apps you don’t need instead of uninstalling them.

> Users should see a hierarchical navigation panel on the left and the page on 
> the right
> and rest of the area in the browser. Simple and clean. Nothing (!) else.
> Possible?



> Many many thanks in advance! I don't want to complain about free software and 
> of course
> I could "just buy Confluence" instead. Unfortunately a regular license is way 
> out of budget
> for our small organisation and we have outgrown the 10 users you get for the 
> "almost free"
> starter license from Atlassian. When I first found Xwiki I was so excited it 
> would support
> spaces, only to learn that they were removed again ...
> Thanks in advance!
> Patrick

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