> On 16 Mar 2017, at 09:51, Patrick M. Hausen <p...@hausen.com> wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
>> Am 16.03.2017 um 08:28 schrieb Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>:
>> No it wasn’t removed. It’s actually the complete opposite: it’s been 
>> improved. You now have the ability to create unlimited depth of hierarchies 
>> and with the ability to set cascading permissions at all levels.
>> It’s just that we’re now calling this feature Nested Pages and no longer 
>> spaces (previous spaces were only 1 level deep BTW).
>> And you still have the additional possibility of creating sub-wikis.
>> Where did you find this info? I’d like to correct it if you found it in the 
>> documentation.
> I got it from you on this list IIRC ;-)

Ok then you must have extracted it without the context. So the doc is correct 

> I understand the technical similarity of concepts. Yet, from a UI
> perspective I would prefer to have the topmost hierachy level
> called "spaces" or "projects" or "what-have-you" and a separate
> "spaces" menue to create, select, delete these.

Having one concept is much simper than having two. However I can understand 
that coming from windows and file systems you’re more used to folder and files. 
XWiki has chosen to have only folders (or only files depending on how you view 
it). The reason is that in xwiki a “folder” can have content so it’s not 
different from a “file”.

> Obviously the navigation panel on the left should show only the
> page tree contained in that "space" as long as I'm "in that space”.

I disagree here. This is far from obvious and the reason we’re displaying by 
default all pages is because there’s a need for a visible global navigation 

Now nothing prevents you from editing this panel and changing this behavior by 
adjusting the macro parameters. See 

>> I don’t understand what you mean by "multiple group memberships/board of 
>> directors” and why it’s an issue with multi-wiki.
> I read that Wiki vs Nested Pages docs - multiple times ;-)

Ok then I don’t understand how you could have inferred that we lost the ability 
to have nested content. Could you explain what we need to improve in this doc 
that would have helped you not be confused?

> It's the "Ability to easily query data across instances" that multi-wikis are 
> missing.

Depends. You can use the SOLR search for that to a large extent. I don’t see 
what this has to do with "multiple group memberships/board of directors” , 
could you explain?

> I'm repeating myself, sorry - coming from Confluence we have
> just one big wiki but with multiple project related containers
> Confluence calls "spaces". But you can still search across all
> of them you have access to, link from one to another, include
> content snippets from one space in a page in another space and more.

I’m repeating myself and yes that’s the default of xwiki too. There’s nothing 
to do to have this, it’s builtin! And again it’s documented and I’ve also 
explained how to do that in my previous reply.

So once more you just create your page hierarchy using the “+” button.

> I just want to emulate that as closely as possible because that's how
> we are used to work.

You don’t need to emulate. That’s how xwiki works too.

> Using the topmost level of the nested pages hierarchy for spaces
> e.g. creates an odd looking navigation panel with just one entry
> at the top level for users that are only in one project/group.

You have 2 options:
- option 1: modify the navigation panel to set the root to be the current page
- option 2: create another nav panel to keep the global one at the root and set 
that other nav Panel in subpage roots for your various projects/groups.

> It would be more convenient to select the space/project as a separate
> operation and have all the second level pages at the top of the navigation
> panel.
> Thanks for your help - as Stefan pointed out my main mistake probably
> was to restrict access to "Main plus children". I can live with the different
> UI, if there is really no way to get that "spaces" menue back that you had
> in 7.x (?).

Nothing has been lost. In 7.4.x the home page had a dashboard gadget called 
“Pages” listing all pages of the wiki in a tree. Exactly the same as we have 
now in the Navigation Panel on the left (we just moved it there so that it’s 
available by default from all pages for easier navigation).

So I’m not sure what you are referring to.

> Side note: another "concept" thing that I think Confluence gets right and
> a lot of others don't - not quite sure about Xwiki, yet - in Confluence
> every page has a parent. Except for the space home that is the top
> of the hierarchy, of course.

Same in xwiki.

> In Mediawiki et. al. you can just create a
> page named "bazong" in the middle of nowhere and nobody will ever
> see it unless they use the search or the list of all pages.
> I personally consider it mandatory that *all* content has a *defined place*
> in a hierarchy of pages that is accessable through a menue that folds
> out and in. But others may think different.

Ok then you should like xwiki :)


> Kind regards
> Patrick

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