> On 28 Apr 2017, at 10:01, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>> On 28 Apr 2017, at 09:57, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) <vali...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 10:47 AM, Clément Aubin <clement.au...@xwiki.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 04/27/2017 11:58 AM, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) wrote:
>>>> Some summary until now:
>>>> P2: Craig, Olivier
>>>> P4: Mahomed, Steffen, Jesse, Miroslav
>>> As a «fresh» user, I would prefer P2, mostly because I don’t think that
>>> every newcomer will have the intuition to look at the top-right corner
>>> of the page for its options. Adding labels allows for those three icons
>>> to be more visible.
>> From an usability perspective, having labels is unbeatable both for new
>> users and advanced users.
> I agree for new users but not for advanced.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to say “advanced” here. I mean to see “users who’ve used 
the buttons once”.


> Users who’ve used those button just once know about them and don’t need the 
> labels. I’d go as far as saying that the labels could actually be distracting 
> by taking more visual space and catching your eyes when you look at the UI as 
> a whole and want to focus on the content.
> Now this could be minor and the advantages for the newcomers could be more 
> important than the small downside for returning users.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> We could also display the icons labels only if the user has the «simple»
>>> user profile and remove them as soon as he becomes more advanced.
>> Not sure about making this configurable. It's a simple decision, we need to
>> agree on a default. With this approach we make everything in XWiki
>> configurable.
>> The advantage of reaching to newcomers is that in time they will also
>> become advanced users. We want to encourage user transformation. Also I
>> don't think users that start with a more explicit interface will like the
>> change after, since they will become accustomed to it.
>> Thanks,
>> Caty
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Clément Aubin
>>> Web Developer Intern @XWiki SAS
>>> clement.au...@xwiki.com
>>> More about us at http://www.xwiki.com

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