If yards, feet and inches were good at estimating distance why is it that 
things are estimated in "football fields" long in the USA? As big as "Rhode 
Island" is irksome, most people never having been to Rhode Island, how would 
they know how big it is?

Seems to me the meter is perfect for estimating any length, be it the 100 m 
length of a football field to the length of a battleship, the size of a room 
and the distance to the next exit. I have a very good Map app on my iPad 
"Navigon" that I have set up with voice commands in metric, it states turn left 
in 300 m, 100 m, 30 m, etc. Even my non metric wife has no problem using it. It 
also give a lot of context to an appreciation of the metre because the unit 
remains the same at 2000 metres or 20 metres. In Wombat it changes from miles 
to feet. I watched a TV program the other day that showed a moving map that 
showed turn left in 325 feet, I had to rewind the DVR because I thought it odd 
that it said 325 instead of 300 feet. (hidden metric?) turns out it was 
counting down in feet.

On another note, 10 square feet is close enough to 1 square metre that it 
allows you to price carpet, wood floors etc in something more appropriate, 
$1,40/ft2 would be $14/m2, I find it very easy to visualise a square metre and 
hence the price of carpeting a room, 5 x 6 m roughly 30 m2, $420 roughly.

Mike Payne

On 23/03/2013, at 19:18  , Paul Trusten <trus...@grandecom.net> wrote:

> In her article 
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2013/03/21/metric-system_n_2923997.html,
>  ila Nordstrom states that she believes customary units are better for 
> estimating the dimensions of things in everyday life.  How do those of you in 
> countries where the metric system predominates think and speak in meters?  
> What  language do you use?  If, for example, you are comparing the height of 
> a refrigerator to your own height, do you think of it as being "several 
> centimeters" different from you height? 
> Paul
> Paul R. Trusten
> Registered Pharmacist
> Vice President and Public Relations Director
> U.S. Metric Association, Inc.
> www.metric.org
> trus...@grandecom.net
> +1(432)528-7724

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