On 01/21/2020 11:50 AM, Michael Dickens via USRP-users wrote:
Hi Paweł - I'd recommend using these install instructions < https://kb.ettus.com/Building_and_Installing_the_USRP_Open-Source_Toolchain_(UHD_and_GNU_Radio)_on_Linux <https://kb.ettus.com/Building_and_Installing_the_USRP_Open-Source_Toolchain_%28UHD_and_GNU_Radio%29_on_Linux> >. Please note specifically the section for "Configuring USB". It sounds like you've done most of the work already; just a couple parts that might be additions or different to be finalized. Hope this is useful! - MLD
I'll also point out that USB over a VM has always been a pain, not just for USRPs.

We don't really recommend that you run the Ettus USB type radios through a VM, because USB support in VMs is flaky and under-performing
  in general.

On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 11:33 AM Paweł Gocyla via USRP-users <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:


    I have a problem with ettus usrp B200 on linux ubuntu.

    I have made all steps regarding UHD and driver installation with
    this tutorial:

    I turned on support for usb 3.0 in vmware settings.
    I installed intel drivers for support of usb 3.0 (on windows host)
    -> after that vmware was finding this device as B200 for a while
    but after host windows restart is identifying this device as
    before as WestBridge. In ubuntu I have warning from vmware
    workstation that there is a driver error.

    In windows host this device is properly identyfied as Ettus
    Research LLC B20/B210. On ubuntu I installed driver via apt -

    uhd_usrp_probe and uhd_find_devices can't find any usrp devices.

    lsusb also doesn't recognise this usrp B200 device.

    I was searching in google for more information but I don't have
    any ideas how to fix it and what is wrong.

    Thanks in advance for your help !
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    USRP-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:USRP-users@lists.ettus.com>

Michael Dickens
Ettus Research Technical Support
Email: supp...@ettus.com <mailto:supp...@ettus.com>
Web: https://ettus.com/

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