On 02/28/2017 09:56 PM, Ivo Raisr wrote:
> So we decided to stick with existing (SVN) workflow which translates to
> "rebased branches at the top of the tree".

Which is a perfectly fine model that makes sense in our project.

> Our valgrind.git config will have (after the final migration happens):
> [receive]
>         denyNonFastforwards = true
> So based on this information, could you suggest different git commands
> (with some reasoning) than initially outlined by me?

The given workflow requires that there is no other push between the pull
and the push. If for some reason somebody else pushes some update after 
you have commited, you can recover with a rebase. There is a nice combine
of pull + rebase:
git pull --rebase
and I think we might just want to document that.

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