Hi Peter,

On Wed, 5 Feb 2003 07:25:43 +0100 Peter Mikeska

> I want ask U this> I have working vpopmail+qmail+courier, its about 5
> domains, and when I make alias for some address I
> get file .qmail-nameofalias in directory for domain
> for every alias I make, so I decided to put it to
> aliases only ONE file in /etc , i use fastforward , so I have write
> one line of command to .qmail-DEFAULT but I dont know in which one,
> .qmail-default from qmail installation seem dont work this way with
> vpopmail, and every domain have one in dir, I tryed put it to every
> file but wont work. so can some1 help me how to use aliases file with
> vpopmail?

There're several reasons that stand against your plan.

1.) Files ~vpopmail/domains/example.com/.qmail-*
    are handled natively by qmail-local.
    Vpopmail doesn't step in here, so they're already the most efficient
    "way of doing".
    Vpopmail only takes actions for
    as "vdelivermail" searches for "user" in "vpasswd.cdb" and gets
    directed to that directory for message storing.
2.) You will not succeed. 'fastforward' doesn't allow mailbox or maildir
    delivery instructions in alias file.

    Imagine a simple example:

    [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be forwared to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    So your key / value pair in alias file would be


    Your ~vpopmail/domains/example.com/.qmail-default would look like

    | ~vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' | fastforward /etc/aliases.cdb

    The mail comes in, vdelivermail is invoked, as no
    ~vpopmail/domains/example.com/.qmail-qwertz exists and
    ~vpopmail/domains/example.com/.qmail-default ist chosen.

    fastforward looks up the aliases file for
    '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', finds it and forwards the mail.
    The mail gets reinjected, directed to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
    qmail-local don't find
    ~vpopmail/domains/example.com/.qmail-postmaster, therefor
    .qmail-edfault is used again. Now fastforward looks for
    '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in aliases file. Either this
    key doesn't exist and the mail gets bounced or it exists and has to
    point to an external address, else you'll walk through this loop
    indefinitely (until qmail recognizes the loop by "Delivered-To"

    At least you'll have to have a .qmail-user file for every user that
    should be a final recipient of a fastforward action.

    Well ... ain't it the best to leave the existing dot-qmail files as
    it's working the fastest way possible, instead off replacing them by
    only other dot-qmail file that achive, in the end, the same?!?

P.S.: PLEASE ... disable your Reply-To for this list or set it to the
      lists address.
      1.) Your Reply-To makes absolutely _no sense_. It's set to your
        From which would already be taken as "address to reply to" if no
        Reply-To header would be present.
      2.) Your Reply-To header "destroys" the "List-Reply" functionality
        of some MUAs, as they're (for good reasons) configured to
        _first_ use Reply-To when replying, and only if absent
        List-Header which could be used for replying are searched.

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