I have a client asking me to act as a sort of bypass for their mail. I
have spam and virus checking installed using spamassassin and trophie,
and need to forward all users that come in addressed to a certain domain
to another. They add and delete up to 20 users a day, but they don't
want to have to add and delete them on their server *and* on my server. 

i.e., I receive a mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I need to forward it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], but I can't have vpopmail look to see if
[EMAIL PROTECTED] exists on my server - it just needs to know that
"this.com" exists, and all users are valid for that domain. The client
will handle that on their mailserver when I forward them the mail. Is
there a way to do this with vpopmail? I'm using qmail with maildrop,

Rob Short

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