On Tuesday 24 June 2003 07:17, VJ.Srinivasan \(JINIS\) wrote:
> Hi Please...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] vj.srini]# telnet localhost 110
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> +OK POP3 jinis.com v2001.78rh server ready
> +OK User name accepted, password please
> pass nopass
> -ERR Bad login
> pass komalvjsrini
> -ERR Bad login
> What is the solution............

it is probably a broken link to your mysql database.
it could be as well a bug in your cpu.
maybe your kernel has a serious flaw.
your vpopmail installation is broken.
your ram is damaged.

there are probably a million other reasons, which i will not name here.

the point is:
"I cannot check my mail" is a very nice end-user response, but to really 
get an answer, we need more information :)

- vpopmail version
- you don't seem to have qmail installed (at least not for the pop3 
part), which pop3 server and how does it interact with vpopmail?
- do you use mysql/cdb/postgres as auth database ?
- ............

Mit internetten Grüßen / Best Regards
Justin Heesemann                                    ionium Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                            www.ionium.org

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