I don't have a need for that myself since my users will not be allowed to edit the welcome message.

But, I was thinking about it. patch qmailadmin to allow editing of the per-domain messages and vqadmin for the system-wide one.

I would certainly be willing to do that but let's wait to see if they like the patch enough to include it in the main vpopmail distribution.

If they do and would accept qmailadmin/vqadmin patches from me I'll go ahead and do the work to add an admin screens for it; if they don't I'd be stuck updating the patch for each release which is something I don't have enough time to to do.

-- Yermo

Trey Nolen wrote:
What do you think about a patch to qmailadmin to allow editing the message?
Is that something you could/would do?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Yermo M. Lamers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 5:52 PM
Subject: [vchkpw] welcome.msg patch submitted to vpopmail.sf.net patch

I've cleaned up my welcome.msg patch to vpopmail-5.3.30 and posted it on
vpopmail.sf.net. It adds a vsendwelcome() function to vpopmail.c and a
call to it at the end of vadduser(). Also included are README.welcomemsg
and a welcome.msg.dist file which is just a placeholder right now.

I've cleaned it up and added per-domain welcome messages.

Please note that if you apply this patch to vpopmail you will need to
relink vqadmin and qmailadmin for these changes to take effect.

It hasn't been extensively tested. If you give it a try and notice
problems or have comments please let me know.

-- Yermo

P.S. Inter7.com guys, if you decide to include this patch in the
distribution I'd suggest editing the sample welcome.msg.dist file.

DTLink Software                                 http://www.dtlink.com
FieldPost Business Email                     http://www.fieldpost.com
Nuts and Bolts Interactive, Inc.         http://www.nbinteractive.com

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