Ahhh....how times and sentiments change.   It wasn't too long ago (search
the archives) that a patch to do this was created and rejected as "feature
bloat."   I have definitely wanted this for a long time and am glad to see
it get a positive response this time around.


> > >
> > > P.S. Inter7.com guys, if you decide to include this patch in the
> > > distribution I'd suggest editing the sample welcome.msg.dist file.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Cool, it just has to be accepted, its to cool not to be accepted :)
> >
> > Tom, make it happen please :D.
> >
> > X
>  I Second that Tom, I have been needing this BAD! The welcome message
> customers instructions
> they really need and I have lost that function for a long time now
> to qmail/vpopmail.
> -John

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