At 12:33 PM 6/25/2004, Ken Jones wrote:
What you can do is keep the original data, then update and add a domain.
If it doesn't work, put the old data back. It only is used when adding domains
not users.

thanks. so my speculation that the 'dom_89' user is sort of a 'master' field for such things is correct?

i'll give this a try. and i'll be using phpMyadmin - thanks to the guys for the various suggestions for running it. (i'm doing two layers of security - first a .htaccess allowing only my home machine, and, when i'm not using phpmyadmin - which is most of the time - i just chmod 0000 the phpmyadmin directory. that's about as secure as you can get, i'd say!)

> > > >there is no domain dom_89, which suggests to me this may be the
> > > > 'master control' for what overflow subdirectory is to be used - it's
> > > > the only record that has '5' for the value 'the_dir', and '89' is the
> > > > vpopmail uid/gid.
> > > >
> > > >however, i'm reluctant to make changes to the record, for fear of,
> > > > well, duh - completely destroying my setup with one bad keystroke.
> > > >
> > > >so, if anyone can confirm my speculations, and suggest how to fix it
> > > >(that's right, i've never inserted data manually into a table!), i'd
> > > >appreciate the help.
> > >
> > > Paul Theodoropoulos
> > >
> Paul Theodoropoulos

Paul Theodoropoulos

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