On Mar 31, 2005, at 8:22 AM, Joshua Coucke wrote:
I think there's a patch on SourceForge to accomplish that, but it was never added to the release version of vpopmail. No real reason that I recall -- just never got around to it. It might have to be hand-patched at this point, due to changes in vpgsql.c since the patch was made.

I have been wondering why vpopmail does not use some sort of db abstraction layer so that recompiling for different db's is not necessary. Something like ADODB for php....

Unfortunately, the vpopmail code requires headers from the various database backends, so unless you have multiple db programs installed, you won't be able to compile it to support multiple db types.

On the other hand, we could definitely benefit from an abstraction layer, and someone has brought it up in the past. If anyone knows of a project to create such a layer in C, I'd love to hear about it. Right now, there's a lot of duplicate code in each of the authentication modules. Heck, the modules themselves could benefit from a simpler API -- you can see lots of code duplicated in each module as well.

You'd still have to recompile for a change in backend, but it would mean that adding new features wouldn't necessarily require re-writing lots of code in each auth module.

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