Dave Goodrich wrote:
Michael Bowe wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mark Richardson wrote:


OK, I'm going to reopen this thread as I have taken a break from the issue to deal with other things. Looking again at my user distribution I see the issue has not changed at all. At my last thread update I was adding users to the "u" directory, this has not changed. My current distribution is like so,

a ->       53
b ->       19
c ->       50
d ->       74
e ->       11
f ->       13
g ->       13
h ->      120
i ->       34
j ->       34
k ->       33
l ->       30
m ->       48
n ->       34
o ->       66
p ->       29
q ->       37
r ->       55
s ->       47
t ->       54
u ->     1034
0 ->       62
1 ->       69
2 ->       76
3 ->       72
4 ->       66
5 ->       70
6 ->       69
7 ->       60
8 ->       72
9 ->       66

Yea, "u" is still getting users added.

My dir control table looks like so,

| domain  tls.net
| cur_users 3822
| level_cur 1
| level_max 3
| level_start0 0
| level_start1 0
| level_start2 0
| level_end0 61
| level_end1 61
| level_end2 61
| level_mod0 0
| level_mod1 2
| level_mod2 4
| level_index0 56
| level_index1 8
| level_index2 0
| the_dir u

Only the curr_users field and level_index1 field have changed (see older posting below, level_index1 was 0 now is 8).

I am running vpopmail-5.4.6 on this machine. I have 5.4.10 with several new changes on my dev server, but I would like to solve this problem first, unless someone can tell me the problem is solved in 5.4.10?

So, has anyone seen/fixed this issue? Anyone have a good explanation of just how the dir_control system works? I am about to start deciphering it again and trying to find a solution.



Note: Read the older message below, but as a refresher, I had no issues when using cdb files. Once I migrated to MySQL backend, dir hashing stopped, though it seems vpopmail knows about the dir_control table as it it properly updating the cur_users field.

I have looked at the dir hashing code before in an effort to try and
understand it, but not being an expert C programmer, it makes my head spin

In the mailing list archives there are many accounts of the type of problem
you describe

Do you mean
This is where I got the idea, "change something and see what happens"

Best explanation yet, but it still doesn't explain what level_modX does, or what level_indexX does.

This is the message that made me think getting an answer wouldn't be so hard.

This is the other user with the same problem I am experiencing, no solution either.

I looked Friday into the largest domain (most users) and found the following,
4500+ users
user hash dir 0-9 used
user hash dir A-Z used
user hash dir a-z, currently in "u"

I believe this means that I have hashed up to "1" level and I am currently in "u". The source code says I should have the ability to hash into 0-9, A-Z, a-z, which gives me 61 levels (not 62, start counting at 0) since the level_endX fields all read "61" this makes since to me.

So I believe..... I should have the following values for this domain.
cur_users = 4555
level_cur = 1 # how deep have I hashed already
level_max = 3 # how many levels to hash
level_start0 = 0 # where to start hashing
level_start1 = 0
level_start2 = 0
level_end0 = 61 # how many total dirs to have per level
level_end1 = 61
level_end2 = 61
level_mod0 = ? # no idea what this does, currently reads 0
level_mod1 = ? # currently reads 2
level_mod2 = ? # currently reads 4
level_index0 = 56 # how deep have we hashed within the first level
level_index1 = 0
level_index2 = 0
the_dir = u # the dir we are currently adding users to

If this jogs anyones memory, that would be great. I am going to plug these numbers in and see what happens. If anyone out there with more than 5000 users in a domain could send me the contents of their dir_control table, it would be very very helpful.



I believe that the large number in the cur_users field comes about because that field is typically 32bit (ie max value 4294967295) and perhaps if the value is 0 and gets 1 subtracted from it incorrectly during the conversion,
you end up with numbers wrapping and being displayed in that range). Or
maybe there is a part of the code that mixes signed and unsigned integers
resulting in that bug?


We figured that was an error, replaced the value and everything continued properly.

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