hello list. 

I am installing qmail according to the guide: qmail to toaster, I have
installed vpopmail 5.4.17 with support for ldap. but when I am going to add
a new domain gives me the following message.

 ./vadddomain: error while loading shared libraries: libldap-2.3.so.0:
cannot object open shared cases out: Such does not file or directory 


#define VLDAP_SERVER "localhost"

#define VLDAP_PORT "636"

#define VLDAP_USER "cn=admin, dc=my_domain, dc=com"

#define VLDAP_PASSWORD "*****"

#define VLDAP_BASEDN "dc=my_domian, dc=com"



they can give me a Link or they indicate to me as I connect vpopmail with


Thank you


Diego Ramirez


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