DAve wrote:
A quick check of using Perl to auth against a vpopmaild instance works just dandy. I hacked up a copy of the generic checkpassword.pl script from qmail.org and had it working pretty quickly. It took longer to upgrade my test server and get vpopmaild working.


But what is the silent option? Did you mean compact?

Sorry, I should have looked at the code before I replied...

In the latest development release there are three possible ways to login. These were added because the old login method with the compact flag did not allow spaces in passwords. The new login methods are:

login - Check the user and password. If valid return the entire data record on the user that just logged in, written out in a very long format.

clogin - This is the equivalent to the old compact flag. This mode compresses the output by sending the numeric value of gid_flags instead of writing each one out.

slogin - This is what I am thinking as the ideal for authentication checks. It simply returns err or ok depending on if the user exists and had a valid password.

If you want to continue using the version of vpopmail with the compact option, I do suggest using compact as it will reduce the amount of data the server returns with each request. The user information is useful for a qmailadmin like program to look at the rights of the user who just logged in to determine what options it should show them. A user who has rights to manage the entire system will see many more menu options than one who is only allowed to change their own password...

There is a bit of an issue with the development version for people using database back ends. The table structure needs to be changed to provide for longer domain names. (from 64 to 96 characters) Also if you are storing limits in the database, two new fields must be added to the limits table: disable_spamassassin and delete_spam to make it match the latest code for non-database installations. See INSTALL.


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