Ok now I have one more problem since I am running CentOS 5 with PHP 5 I do get this error: php apps/parser/simscan.parser.php -A Fatal error: Class 'Log' not found in /usr/share/pear/Log/file.php on line 20
here is my line 20 of the file:
class Log_file extends Log
Any other suggestions?
Alessio Cecchi writes:
Il Tuesday 22 January 2008 03:13:37 Remo Mattei ha scritto:
I have a question Alessio.. ma se usi shupp.org/toaster dove sono i log
di simscan.. Am I missing something since the only info I see about the
simscan is under the /var/qmail/simscan and I have a huge 10megs file
under that location (there is dir called 1198192110.336362.27290 1066)
then the file msg.11111xxx
Thanks for your feedback..

I Remo, from simscan-gui README:
=================== Configure Qmail logger like this: cat /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/log/run
exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog \
t s10000000 n20 /var/log/qmail/smtpd \
t s10000000 n20 '-*' '+* simscan:*' /var/log/qmail/simscan 2>&1
Alessio Cecchi is:
@ ILS -> http://www.linux.it/~alessice/
Assistenza Sistemi GNU/Linux -> http://www.cecchi.biz/
@ PLUG -> ex-Presidente, adesso senatore a vita, http://www.prato.linux.it


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