On Feb 3, 2009, at 4:55 PM, Brian Bouterse wrote:

I'd like to have a VCL developers call, where the following agenda can be discussed with the community. If you'd like to join the discussion, it will be from 1-3pm EST on Thurs Feb 5th. To join, dial in to 919.515.7151.

I apologize for the late notice; my invite a few days ago never made it onto the list. If you're reading this, my e-mail subscription problem has been resolved.

Tentative Agenda (this gets us started, please add):

1)  Update of the ESX provisioning module
2)  Update of the OS modularization effort
3)  Possibility of using NX as a connection protocol
4)  <insert your agenda item here>

Hi Brian,
Sorry I didn't read this sooner.

I think this is pretty short notice to be calling a project conference call and I'm pretty uncomfortable with the idea, in general. Community conference calls are pretty rare at Apache. I believe that there are projects that do have them. I've never been personally involved in one. Phone calls can be exclusionary -- for instance, I'm unavailable from 1-3 tomorrow...

The number one sign of community health for any project at Apache is communication on mailing lists. To date, I have not seen a lot of communication occurring on the VCL dev list. There has been some communication -- I haven't been overly worred. However, perhaps I should be.

A few notes... You mention OS modularization and NX connection protocols as topics of conversation. However, I can't find any mention of these topics on the dev mailing list.

Personally, I don't think you want to be holding project conference calls. Certainly not this early in your incubation. Before you hold any project phone calls, I'd want to see:

1) A discussion about holding conference calls. Is the *community* in favor of holding them? 2) Why are conference calls needed? What's wrong with dev list communication? 3) How will you be equitable in scheduling conference calls. Rotating schedule? etc 4) Will the phone calls be recorded? Who is going to take notes and distribute the topics of conversations to the dev list?


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