Kevan, Matt,

Thanks for the feedback. Your comments do highlight the potential problems if such a call is not handled properly.

I think we'll try it this time to see what happens it may or may not work out, but we'll see.

I'll step up and volunteer to record this call and then post it back to the dev list.

Another thing that creates a problem is the non toll-free number, this may not work for most folks. Are there any open conference tools that folks can suggest maybe skype, I think it has a conference call feature - but I'm not sure how many can participate.


--On February 4, 2009 9:15:07 PM -0500 Matt Hogstrom <> wrote:

I saw Kevan's note (he pinged me and let me know what a great mentor I am

First off, conference calls are not taboo.  Some people work better via
phone than they do with e-mail.  And, often times it is faster to vet
ideas via the phone.  That said, it may not work for all people so this
is a community decision and, as Kevan points out, can be problematic for
folks.  Consider a world wide community with people in multiple
timezones.  Ironically, I just finished a work related conference call
with some colleagues in China; I scheduled it in the PM our time so it
would be early morning their time.

I'd go ahead with the call and see who can make it.  Heck, your phone
number is now Googleable which is kind of nice :)  Take lots of notes and
make sure to post the results back to the list so people can read what
happened and comment.  The fact that you posted the time and the meeting
and what you wanted to discuss on the list is excellent.  I'd be
concerned if I saw an e-mail that said something like, "We met over at NC
State yesterday and decided that ..." That would definitely not be good;
decisions are made via e-mail with community input.  Apache Geronimo had
a spot of confusion a couple of years ago when a number of committers met
at Java One and the meeting location and time we're not well communicated.

One thing that is a good indicator of communication is the number of
commits relative to the number of e-mails on vcl-...@.  No hard and fast
thing here but in general the amount of communication on the list is
relative to the number of e-mails.  I've seen some results of people
doing a little analysis on that.

Other thoughts from devs are welcome.


On Feb 3, 2009, at 4:55 PM, Brian Bouterse wrote:

I'd like to have a VCL developers call, where the following agenda
can be discussed with the community.  If you'd like to join the
discussion, it will be from 1-3pm EST on Thurs Feb 5th.  To join,
dial in to 919.515.7151.

I apologize for the late notice; my invite a few days ago never made
it onto the list.  If you're reading this, my e-mail subscription
problem has been resolved.

Tentative Agenda (this gets us started, please add):

1)  Update of the ESX provisioning module
2)  Update of the OS modularization effort
3)  Possibility of using NX as a connection protocol
4)  <insert your agenda item here>

Aaron Peeler
OIT Advanced Computing
College of Engineering-NCSU

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