Hello Young,

  Yes adding different roles to the tool would be definitely helpful. As a
starting point, I am going to code it with one role and incorporate
multiple roles later.


On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Young h Oh <o...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> Hi Karuna
> Do you consider different user roles? For example, admin users and regular
> users? I think adding user roles to  VCL cloud broker tool might be good if
> an admin user can set security policy for specific  images and VCL can set
> it when instance creates, for instance.
> I agree that the current VCL data base does not have much detail
> information about images and consistency might be an issue. I think Image
> inventory management is necessary for VCL to store detailed image
> information as metadata and other project can use them  like VCL cloud
> broker tool.
> Regards,
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Young Hyun Oh
> [image: Inactive hide details for Karuna P Joshi ---05/24/2012 09:38:25
> PM---Hello Aaron, Thanks for your suggestions. I agree that t]Karuna P
> Joshi ---05/24/2012 09:38:25 PM---Hello Aaron,   Thanks for your
> suggestions. I agree that there should be a mechanism for
> From: Karuna P Joshi <kjos...@umbc.edu>
> To: vcl-dev@incubator.apache.org,
> Date: 05/24/2012 09:38 PM
> Subject: Re: VCL cloud broker tool - first look
> ------------------------------
> Hello Aaron,
>  Thanks for your suggestions. I agree that there should be a mechanism for
> users to be able to search on the software components that they are looking
> for. Unfortunately, the current VCL database doesn't associate any such
> information with the images. At best we find some information in the
> description or name of the image, but that is also not consistent.
>  In our previous correspondence, Andy Kurth had mentioned that there is a
> need for maintaining an "image inventory" . (I believe a JIRA issue has
> been created about this https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/VCL-561 ).
> This inventory project will complement the broker that I plan to design
> since it will enable more complex querying capability.
> I have incorporated the additional data and security constraints to make
> the VCL broker compliant with NIST's cloud computing standards. The fields
> were taken from the NIST use case 3.9  Query Cloud-Provider Capabilities
> and Capacities, http://www.nist.gov/itl/cloud/3_9.cfm . One of the
> research
> areas that my mentor at IBM is very interested in is how to make VCL
> compliant with US federal agencies' cloud computing policies.
> As for the buttons - my aim is to code to 3 functions - discovery,
> negotiation (or constraint relaxation) and reserve images.
> Discovery will try to search all available images for the attributes
> specified. Failing this, the broker will begin relaxing the constraints and
> refresh the list. For instance, if a user specifies -   "I want MatLab, R
> and at least version 1.6 of JAVA's runtime environment"  and no image is
> discovered,
> the tool will attempt to find images by relaxing the constraint of JAVA
> version . I will most likely reduce the number of buttons depending on how
> easily I am able to do this with SPARQL. I feel that I might need 3 buttons
> to ensure the functionality since SPARQL returns results in a XML/RDF
> format which I will have to process to allow reservation.
> Yes, I plan to run this user interface as an external service . However, I
> will have to design a server component of this which will interface
> directly with the VCL APIs or database. If time permits, I can extend this
> broker tool to query multiple VCL installations at the same time - allowing
> users to reserve the most suitable image across various VCL systems.
> regards,
> Karuna
> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Aaron Coburn <acob...@amherst.edu>
> wrote:
> > Karuna,
> >
> > I looked at what you are proposing here, and it is quite exciting. I have
> > recently been working a fair amount with RDF and SPARQL, and it can be
> very
> > powerful.
> >
> > You asked for some feedback on the interface. I think this is a good
> > start. Given the number of possible permutations of thirteen (mostly)
> > categorical attributes, the interface you designed would be great for
> > navigating through reasonably large image collections. For smaller
> > collections of images, I think the number of attributes would be a bit
> > cumbersome for the average user.
> >
> > The one attribute that users would most certainly want to be able to
> > specify is one related to the software available on the image. And this
> > would need to be a multi-valued field. (i.e. "I want MatLab, R and at
> least
> > version 1.6 of JAVA's runtime environment")
> >
> > The way I would go about this (borrowing from the language of search
> > engines) is to see these attributes as "facets" that help narrow a
> search.
> > The value of each facet would be a constraint in the logic of your query,
> > and these constraints could be turned on or off, affecting the result
> list.
> >
> > It should be possible to design the interface so that you could
> > effectively eliminate all four of the blue rectangular buttons. "List all
> > images" would be achieved by removing all selected constraints; it would
> > also be the initial state of the interface. "Discover images that match"
> > would not be necessary if the result list is auto-updated when any
> > constraint is added or removed. From a user's perspective I'm not sure
> how
> > "Negotiate and Finalize Image" differs from "Reserve Image". Either of
> them
> > could be achieved by clicking on the name of the relevant SPARQL result.
> >
> > From a systems architecture perspective, it seems that you anticipate
> > having this tool running in an external (e.g. Joseki) service. I assume
> > that the service would query the VCL API (on behalf of a given user) to
> > identify the list of all accessible images along with the relevant
> > attributes for each image. By extending the API slightly, I can see how
> > this could work very well. Using the VCL's API, reservations could also
> be
> > made and managed directly through this brokering tool.
> >
> > Thanks for preparing this information. I look forward to seeing more!
> >
> > Aaron
> >
> >
> > --
> > Aaron Coburn
> > Systems Administrator and Programmer
> > Academic Technology Services, Amherst College
> > acob...@amherst.edu<mailto:acob...@amherst.edu <acob...@amherst.edu>>
> >
> >
> >
> > On May 23, 2012, at 5:56 PM, Karuna P Joshi wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have designed the User interface for the VCL cloud broker tool and have
> > uploaded the screenshot of this interface into the JIRA issues wiki.
> > I look forward to feedback on the interface from VCL developers.
> >
> > On a related note, how does one assign the JIRA issue ?  I want to assign
> > this issue (VCL-577) to myself, but the field appears un-editable.
> >
> > regards,
> > Karuna
> > ____________________
> > Karuna Pande Joshi
> > PhD Candidate,
> > CSEE Dept, UMBC
> > kjos...@umbc.edu<mailto:kjos...@umbc.edu <kjos...@umbc.edu>>,
> karuna.jo...@umbc.edu<mailto:
> > karuna.jo...@umbc.edu>
> >
> >
> --
> regards,
> Karuna
> ____________________
> Karuna Pande Joshi
> PhD Candidate,
> kjos...@umbc.edu,  karuna.jo...@umbc.edu

Karuna Pande Joshi
PhD Candidate,
kjos...@umbc.edu,  karuna.jo...@umbc.edu

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