martin wrote:
> go and get yourself a new hard disc  :-)

Well, that option is of course always available. ;-)
Let's take a look at my vdr system:

/video> df -hT
Filesystem    Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2      xfs    147G   12G  136G   8% /
udev         tmpfs    253M  236K  252M   1% /dev
/dev/hdb1      xfs    149G   86G   64G  58% /vdr2
/dev/hdc1      xfs    149G  115G   35G  77% /vdr3
/dev/hdd1      xfs    149G  114G   36G  77% /vdr4
athlon:/       nfs    148G  128G   21G  86% /athlon
athlon:/mp3    nfs    233G  142G   92G  61% /athlon/mp3
athlon:/vdr5   nfs    233G  107G  127G  46% /athlon/vdr5
athlon:/vdr6   nfs    233G  141G   93G  61% /athlon/vdr6
athlon:/vdr7   nfs    233G  179G   55G  77% /athlon/vdr7
athlon:/vdr8   nfs    233G  170G   64G  73% /athlon/vdr8
athlon:/vdr9   nfs    233G  210G   24G  90% /athlon/vdr9
athlon:/vdr10  nfs    149G   75G   75G  50% /athlon/vdr10
athlon:/video  nfs    233G  211G   22G  91% /athlon/video

It would still be nice to integrate videos from other
sources seamlessly.

And: 20 disks are twice as much trouble as 10 disks.
My older disks have started to fail recently...


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