On 06/10/07 17:53, Anssi Hannula wrote:
> ...
> Alternatively, you could use the fontconfig library [1] for managing 
> fonts. This would also allow using using the system default fonts via 
> aliases like 'sans-serif' etc, and using a font list instead of having 
> to manually write the font filename via OSD.
> You can get a quick idea from looking at the patch which added 
> fontconfig support for mplayer [2], though of course you should look in 
> fontconfig documentation instead of copying conventions from mplayer :)
> [1] http://fontconfig.org/
> [2] 
> http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/mplayer-dev-eng/2003-November/022218.html

When I do

     const char *font_name = "sans-serif";
     FcPattern *fc_pattern = FcNameParse((FcChar8 *)font_name);
     FcConfigSubstitute(0, fc_pattern, FcMatchPattern);
     fc_pattern = FcFontMatch(0, fc_pattern, 0);
     FcChar8 *s;
     FcPatternGetString(fc_pattern, FC_FILE, 0, &s);
     fprintf(stderr, "font '%s'\n", s);//XXX

it prints

  font '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf'

which looks good. However, when I use "courier" instead of "sans-serif", I get

  font '/usr/share/fonts/URW/n022003l.pfb'

which is not a truetype font and therefore can't be used with VDR's font 

Is there a way to make fontconfig only return truetype fonts?

Also: is there a way to get a list of available truetype fonts from
fontconfig? That's what would be needed to allow the user to select
a desired font in VDR's Setup/OSD menu.


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