On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Artur Skawina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is anyone seeing some kind of problem when playing back files, but only when 
> the
>  recording has not yet finished? Possibly just when replaying a file that is 
> currently
>  being extended, maybe by another VDR and/or over NFS.
>  [i had a problem like that many months ago, attempted to fix it, but it 
> seems i was
>   too successful ;) - the problem went away, but i didn't verify that the 
> change
>   actually helped. By now i don't remember exactly what the symptoms were, 
> and what
>   the vdr setup looked like at the time; hence i can't easily reproduce it.
>   I'm planning on basing another feature on top of the fix and wondering how 
> to
>   handle that...]

It would help if you mentioned what the problem actually was so people
actually know what they're supposed to be looking for.  I've played
recordings back before they're finished many times and never noticed
any problems.  *shrug*

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