Wow... you write alot! :)

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Ville Aakko <> wrote:

> Hi!
> 2009/2/20 Alex Betis <>:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I wonder what am I doing wrong.
> >
> > The problem is that when this script is run in background (& at the end),
> > the job is shown as "stopped".
> > I've tried to run vdr-sxfe itself in background, it opens the window and
> the
> > job stops.
> > I know there is a switch that will run it in daemon mode, but that's not
> > that good for the script I want to have.
> I think I hit the problem you are having before, but in my current
> solution I do not need to face it. Currently, I log in automatically
> via kdm, which loads KDE (could be xfce or whatever you want, though I
> haven't tested because currently I want to use KDE) and automatically
> runs a script (~/.kde/Autostart/ that starts vdr-sxfe. I

I use gnome with auto login and it runs my script as well.

> don't background the process in the script. I have two

Me too. In that case everything works fine, even if I kill the vdr-sxfe
process and the script restarts it.

> loops there; the second is in case vdr-sxfe crashes, to restart
> vdr-sxfe (vdr-sxfe doesn't do that anymore quite often) and the second

In my case vdr-sxfe doesn't crash, but it freezes on startup a lot.
Restarting it generally helps.

> is for suspend / resume (some parts of lirc/VFD don't like suspend on
> my setup). The latter waits from the start of suspend until end of
> resume to restart vdr-sxfe. And, also it looks for the errorlevel of

How did you implement the wait? With a flag-file that is set in suspend
script and deleted after resume?

> vdr-sxfe ehwn it exits; if it is not a "clean" one, it assumes it was
> not initiated by the user (and allows automatic shutdowns).

Good idea. I planned to kill both vdr-sxfe and to use the
desktop. I could also swtich to another desktop and leave the frontend
running as is. Now we came to the real problem: when I kill the script, how
do I restart it so it will run in foreground.

> Do you really need to background vdr-sxfe the way you try to do it? On
> my setup, If I want to exit vdr-sxfe to use the desktop (actually, I
> don't need to do that but I can, also this disable automatic shutdowns
> on my setup via a kludge) I just press esc on my keyboard to shutdown
> vdr-sxfe (this leaves vdr running in the background). I have bound
> another button to restart vdr-sxfe again (to enable automatic
> shutdowns etc.).  You could kill all running vdr-sxfe sessions
> whenever you run the script again (so that would actually work as a
> restart, too, Though, I don't need restarting vdr-sxfe, so I haven't
> done it). I can send my script if you need it.

Do you restart vdr-sxfe or the script? I need the script to be restarted and
run in foreground.
I didn't try using irexec yet, will try it later today. I hope it doesn't
run the commands in background since it will not work for vdr-sxfe.

Please send the script, I might learn something from it.

> The rest might be offtopic or not, but I think in general your problem
> is related to a lack of documentation / examples / init scripts etc.


> needed when configuring VDR to display via X (as opposed to a full
> featured card or some other deticated output device that doesn't
> require X)  At least for gentoo there are nice init sciƕipts and
> configuration files for VDR and its plugins. But it seems that the
> init scripts assume that a user has a full-featured card or another
> deticated ouput device for the TV. But if one needs X for the display
> instead (which more and more users will be using for several reasons),
> I'm still really in the dark how to do that elegantly. Not even the
> vdr-sxfe documentation had examples / ideas of ho to achieve the
> automation! I.e. I want to have a VDR showing the picture via HDMI
> without having to log in and running vdr-sxfe manually every time.
> The problem might actually lie in the several differen't use cases
> there are; some setup might only use the X for a deticated VDR, but
> some other users would need other software to run under the X session,
> too. In my case, I needed VDR to start automatically whenever I push
> the power button,  but still have an easy way to switch to other
> prorams and / or desktop. Of course this is a complicated matter, as
> depending on the distribution / init scripts used, VDR might be run as
> root or a detidcated user 'vdr', but the additional software would not
> be run as such. I found the dilemma very confusing.
> So, I had sevveral questions but no ready solutions / answers; How
> should I start / Which user should I run X as? Which user should
> run vdr-sxfe (or some other X output backend)? And if I'm not using a
> client/server setup, how on earth am I going to start an X session
> before the init scripts run VDR, to play along nicely with the init
> scripts? Do I need to log in as user 'vdr' (to start an X session)
> before running VDR? Is it possible to allow the VDR process (which is
> run as the user 'vdr') to connect to a X sessions, which is "owned" by
> a different user?
> Currently, I solved this via kdm's features and a script I made myself
> to run at the start of a session as a regular user, and chose vdr-sxfe
> to run as a client/server solution (this was the only solution I was
> able to run at all with the init scripts Gentoo came with). But I feel
> the script I made is really a dirty kludge =).
> So I see there might be a need for documentation and solutions /
> examples on this kind of setups (at least I didn't find any if there
> already are). Can anyone point into such documentation? Does anyone
> have any good personal examples? How do you run your VDR with an X11
> output? Do you use the VDR box for other uses? If yes, how do you
> integrate the other applications?
> Hope this stirs some conversation =)
> --
> Ville Aakko -
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